Welcome to Part 3 of our series Making a Better ObservableCollection.
If you missed Making a Better ObservableCollection Part 2 – Cross Threading you can get to it here.
We started by showing you a few neat extensions in Part 1 and then followed it up with cross-threading in Part 2. Now that we have an understanding of how to extend and offload the work to another thread, let’s cover another very important feature: Sorting.
We start by creating a custom comparer as learned here:
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Q: So, what is going on with this comparer?
A: Here is a summary:
- Sort is called against an ObservableCollection, a property name, and a sort direction.
- A sort comparer is derived by calling an internal class which invokes the CustomSort method.
- The CustomSort method assesses the sort direction as an integer and then uses reflection to compare each set of values (ReflectionCompareTo).
- A sorted collection is created against the target collection with the sort comparer applied.
- The target collection is synched against the sorted collection.
Next, we augment our ObservableCollectionEx class:
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What’s new is our 2 Sort methods. One uses a property name and the other an expression to strongly define the property. Both accomplish calling the sort comparer we just built earlier.
Q: So, why do all this? What was the point?
A: Custom sort comparers will give us the ability to increase the sorting performance of our ObservableCollections when bound to controls. It will also allow us to perform this work in an async thread instead of having to create a CollectionViewSource on the UI thread which will negatively impact the user experience during updates.
Next time, we will look at applying this to a DataGrid to greatly improve sort performance and reliability.