This is a bit dated, but the question is about how you get (near) accurate processor information in Windows 2003 with WMI and no external executables.
I wrote this a long time ago for VBS and translated it into C# for my upcoming application: Astronomy. I added some snazzy XAML in there to pimp it out a bit. There is a lot of code here, but that is because a lot needs to be done to format the data into something we want to see.
The desired result:
So, let’s see all that code:
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[Main Code]
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// Get processor information GetProcessorInformation(); } #endregion /// <summary> /// Retrieve the processor information and add to UI. /// </summary> private void GetProcessorInformation() { // Build an options object for the remote connection var options = new ConnectionOptions { Impersonation = ImpersonationLevel.Impersonate, EnablePrivileges = true }; // Make a connection to a remote computer. var ms = new ManagementScope( @"" + "." + @"rootcimv2" , options); // Query string query = "SELECT Manufacturer, MaxClockSpeed, AddressWidth, Name, " + "SocketDesignation, ProcessorID, UniqueID FROM Win32_Processor" ; // Searcher var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(ms, new WqlObjectQuery(query)); // Get legacy info var processor = GetProcessorInfoLegacy(searcher); // Processor information // Description txtDescription.Text = RemoveExcessSpaces(processor.Name); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtDescription.Text)) { txtDescription.Text = "{Unknown}" ; } // Speed txtSpeed.Text = GetProcessorSpeed(processor.Speed); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtSpeed.Text)) { txtSpeed.Text = "{Unknown}" ; } // Count txtCount.Text = GetProcessorCount(5.2, processor); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCount.Text)) { txtCount.Text = "{Unknown}" ; } // Width txtWidth.Text = "x86-" + processor.Architecture; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtWidth.Text)) { txtWidth.Text = "{Unknown}" ; } } /// <summary> /// Gets processor information for Windows version 5.x. /// </summary> /// <param name="searcher"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static ProcessorInfo GetProcessorInfoLegacy( ManagementObjectSearcher searcher) { // Processor object var processor = new ProcessorInfo(); // Descriptors var socket = new List< string >(); var procId = new List< string >(); var uniqueId = new List< string >(); // Get data ManagementObjectCollection colItems = searcher.Get(); try { // Evaluate data foreach (ManagementBaseObject objItem in colItems) { // Manufacturer if (objItem[ "Manufacturer" ] != null ) { processor.Manufacturer = objItem[ "Manufacturer" ].ToString(); } // Speed if (objItem[ "MaxClockSpeed" ] != null ) { processor.Speed = Convert.ToInt32(objItem[ "MaxClockSpeed" ]); } // Architecture if (objItem[ "AddressWidth" ] != null ) { processor.Architecture = objItem[ "AddressWidth" ].ToString(); } // Socket Designation if (objItem[ "SocketDesignation" ] != null ) { processor.SocketDesignation = objItem[ "SocketDesignation" ].ToString(); socket.Add(processor.SocketDesignation); } // Name if (objItem[ "Name" ] != null ) { processor.Name = objItem[ "Name" ].ToString(); } // ProcessorID if (objItem[ "ProcessorID" ] != null ) { processor.ProcessorID = objItem[ "ProcessorID" ].ToString(); procId.Add(processor.ProcessorID); } else { procId.Add( "" ); } // UniqueID if (objItem[ "UniqueID" ] != null ) { processor.UniqueID = objItem[ "UniqueID" ].ToString(); uniqueId.Add(processor.UniqueID); } else { uniqueId.Add( "" ); } } // Logical count int totalProcCount = colItems.Count; processor.LogicalProcessors = totalProcCount; // Cores GetLegacyCoreCount(socket, procId, uniqueId, ref processor); // Get #of possible sockets if ((processor.Cores > 0) && (processor.LogicalProcessors > 0)) { int result = (processor.LogicalProcessors / processor.Cores); processor.Count = result; } } catch { } finally { colItems.Dispose(); } // return return processor; } /// <summary> /// Gets the number of processor cores for Windows version 5.x. /// </summary> /// <param name="socket"></param> /// <param name="procId"></param> /// <param name="uniqueId"></param> /// <param name="processor"></param> private static void GetLegacyCoreCount(List< string > socket, List< string > procId, List< string > uniqueId, ref ProcessorInfo processor) { int totalProcessors = 0; // Processor marker // Check Socket Designation for ( int i = 0; i < socket.Count; i++) { // Start with the assumption this is unique. bool isUnique = true ; // Check for Redundancies for ( int j = i + 1; j < socket.Count; j++) { if (socket[i] == socket[j]) { isUnique = false ; break ; } } // If Redundant Unique ID's Exist for ( int j = i + 1; j < socket.Count; j++) { if ((uniqueId[i] != "" ) && (uniqueId[j] != "" ) && (uniqueId[i] != uniqueId[j])) { isUnique = true ; break ; } } // Check for NULL ProcessorID if (procId[i].Trim() == "0000000000000000" ) { isUnique = false ; } // Calculate Total if (isUnique) { totalProcessors++; } } // Get Cores int result = (processor.LogicalProcessors / totalProcessors); processor.Cores = result; } /// <summary> /// Retrieves the Processor speed in human-readable format. /// </summary> /// <param name="speed"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetProcessorSpeed( int speed) { string result = string .Empty; if (speed.ToString().Length >= 4) { double dSpeed = Convert.ToDouble(speed) / 1000; result = dSpeed.ToString( "0.00" ) + " GHz" ; } else { result = speed.ToString() + " MHz" ; } // Return return result; } /// <summary> /// Returns the processor count in a human-readable format. /// </summary> /// <param name="oSver"></param> /// <param name="proc"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetProcessorCount( double oSver, ProcessorInfo proc) { string result = "" ; int physical = proc.Count; int cores = proc.Cores; // Manufacturer string hyper = "HyperThreading" ; if (proc.Manufacturer.ToLower().IndexOf( "intel" ) == -1) { hyper = "HyperTransport" ; } // Processor count string physDesc = physical.ToString() + " processor(s)" ; // Cores string coreDesc = string .Empty; // Current if (oSver >= 6) { coreDesc = cores.ToString() + " core(s)" ; if (proc.IsHyperThreaded) { coreDesc += " w/ HyperThreading" ; } } // Legacy else { coreDesc = cores.ToString() + " core(s)" ; if ((cores / physical) == 2) { // Intel if (proc.Manufacturer.ToLower().IndexOf( "intel" ) != -1) { coreDesc += " (or " + physical + " core(s) w/ " + hyper + ")" ; } } } result = physDesc + " (" + coreDesc + ")" ; // Return return result; } /// <summary> /// Removes extra spaces between words. /// </summary> /// <param name="procDesc"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string RemoveExcessSpaces( string procDesc) { string result = "" ; // Evaluate string [] desc = procDesc.Split(( char )32); // Name for ( int i = 0; i < desc.Length; i++) { if (desc[i].Trim() != "" ) { result += desc[i] + " " ; } } // Return return result; } } |
[ProcessorInfo class]
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