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ValidationExceptionItem Methods

The ValidationExceptionItem type exposes the following members.

Public methodClearSubscriptions
Clears all subscriptions from the instance.
(Inherited from ModelBase.)
Public methodClearSubscriptions(String, NullableGuid)
Clears subscriptions for a specific property, or if one is not specified; all subscriptions to the instance.
(Inherited from ModelBase.)
Public methodClearSubscriptionsT(ExpressionFuncT, NullableGuid)
Clears subscriptions for a specific property, or if one is not specified; all subscriptions to the instance.
(Inherited from ModelBase.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCode exampleNotifyOfChangeT(ExpressionFuncT, T, T, Action)
Updates a property directly by comparing values and then firing its OnPropertyChanged event if necessary.
(Inherited from ModelBase.)
Public methodCode exampleNotifyOfChangeT(String, T, T, Action)
Updates a property directly by comparing values and then firing its OnPropertyChanged event if necessary.
(Inherited from ModelBase.)
Public methodCode exampleNotifyOfChangeT(T, T, String, Action)
Updates a property directly by comparing values and then firing its OnPropertyChanged event if necessary.
(Inherited from ModelBase.)
Public methodSubscribe(String, ActionObject, NullableGuid)
Subscribes an action to a specific property that will be called during that property's OnPropertyChanged event.
(Inherited from ModelBase.)
Public methodSubscribeT(ExpressionFuncT, ActionObject, NullableGuid)
Subscribes an action to a specific property that will be called during that property's OnPropertyChanged event.
(Inherited from ModelBase.)
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents this instance.
(Inherited from ModelBase.)
Public methodCode exampleUpdateProperty(String, Action)
Informs a property that it should invoke its OnPropertyChanged event.
(Inherited from ModelBase.)
Public methodCode exampleUpdatePropertyT(ExpressionFuncT, Action)
Informs a property that it should invoke its OnPropertyChanged event.
(Inherited from ModelBase.)
See Also