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MenuItemInfoTextLength Field

The length of the menu item text, in characters, when information is received about a menu item of the MFT_STRING type. However, cch is used only if the MIIM_TYPE flag is set in the fMask member and is zero otherwise. Also, cch is ignored when the content of a menu item is set by calling SetMenuItemInfo. Note that, before calling GetMenuItemInfo, the application must set cch to the length of the buffer pointed to by the dwTypeData member.If the retrieved menu item is of type MFT_STRING (as indicated by the fType member), then GetMenuItemInfo changes cch to the length of the menu item text.If the retrieved menu item is of some other type, GetMenuItemInfo sets the cch field to zero. The cch member is used when the MIIM_STRING flag is set in the fMask member.

Namespace: Xcalibur.NativeMethods.V2.Menus
Assembly: Xcalibur.NativeMethods.V2 (in Xcalibur.NativeMethods.V2.dll) Version:
public uint TextLength

Field Value

See Also