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MaskType Enumeration

Flags that indicate the content and validity of the other structure members.


Namespace: Xcalibur.NativeMethods.V2.Shell
Assembly: Xcalibur.NativeMethods.V2 (in Xcalibur.NativeMethods.V2.dll) Version:
public enum MaskType
Member nameValueDescription
Default0 Use default values.
ClassName1 Use the class name given by the lpClass member. If both and are set, the class key is used.
ClassKey3 Use the class key given by the hkeyClass member. If both and are set, the class key is used.
IdList4 Use the item identifier list given by the lpIDList member. The lpIDList member must point to an ITEMIDLIST structure.
InvokeIdList12 Use the IContextMenu interface of the selected item's shortcut menu handler. Use either lpFile to identify the item by its file system path or lpIDList to identify the item by its PIDL. This flag allows applications to use to invoke verbs from shortcut menu extensions instead of the static verbs listed in the registry.
Icon16 Use the icon given by the hIcon member. This flag cannot be combined with .
Hotkey32 Use the keyboard shortcut given by the dwHotKey member.
NoCloseProcess64 Use to indicate that the hProcess member receives the process handle. This handle is typically used to allow an application to find out when a process created with terminates. In some cases, such as when execution is satisfied through a DDE conversation, no handle will be returned. The calling application is responsible for closing the handle when it is no longer needed.
ConnectNetDrv128 Validate the share and connect to a drive letter. This enables reconnection of disconnected network drives. The lpFile member is a UNC path of a file on a network.
NoAsync256 Wait for the execute operation to complete before returning. This flag should be used by callers that are using ShellExecute forms that might result in an async activation, for example DDE, and create a process that might be run on a background thread. (Note: runs on a background thread by default if the caller's threading model is not Apartment.) Calls to ShellExecuteEx from processes already running on background threads should always pass this flag. Also, applications that exit immediately after calling should specify this flag.
FlagDdeWait256 Do not use; use instead.
DoEnvSubst512 Expand any environment variables specified in the string given by the lpDirectory or lpFile member.
FlagNoUi1,024 Do not display an error message box if an error occurs.
Unicode16,384 Use this flag to indicate a Unicode application.
NoConsole32,768 Use to inherit the parent's console for the new process instead of having it create a new console. It is the opposite of using a flag with .
AsyncOk1,048,576 The execution can be performed on a background thread and the call should return immediately without waiting for the background thread to finish. Note that in certain cases ignores this flag and waits for the process to finish before returning.
Hmonitor2,097,152 Use this flag when specifying a monitor on multi-monitor systems. The monitor is specified in the hMonitor member. This flag cannot be combined with .
NoZoneChecks8,388,608 Introduced in Windows XP. Do not perform a zone check. This flag allows to bypass zone checking put into place by IAttachmentExecute.
NoQueryClassStore16,777,216 Not used.
WaitForInputIdle33,554,432 After the new process is created, wait for the process to become idle before returning, with a one minute timeout.
FlagLogUsage67,108,864 Introduced in Windows XP. Keep track of the number of times this application has been launched. Applications with sufficiently high counts appear in the Start Menu's list of most frequently used programs.
FlagHinstIsSite134,217,728 The hInstApp member is used to specify the IUnknown of an object that implements IServiceProvider. This object will be used as a site pointer. The site pointer is used to provide services to the ShellExecute function, the handler binding process, and invoked verb handlers.
See Also