QueryServiceConfig Fields |
The QueryServiceConfig type exposes the following members.
Fields | Name | Description |
| BinaryPathName |
The fully qualified path to the service binary file.
| Dependencies |
A pointer to an array of null-separated names of services or load ordering groups that must
start before this service. The array is doubly null-terminated. If the pointer is NULL or
if it points to an empty string, the service has no dependencies. If a group name is
specified, it must be prefixed by the SC_GROUP_IDENTIFIER (defined in WinSvc.h) character
to differentiate it from a service name, because services and service groups share the same
name space. Dependency on a service means that this service can only run if the service it
depends on is running. Dependency on a group means that this service can run if at least
one member of the group is running after an attempt to start all members of the group.
| DisplayName |
The display name to be used by service control programs to identify the service. This
string has a maximum length of 256 characters. The name is case-preserved in the service
control manager. Display name comparisons are always case-insensitive.
| ErrorControl |
The severity of the error, and action taken, if this service fails to start.
| LoadOrderGroup |
The name of the load ordering group to which this service belongs. If the member is NULL or
an empty string, the service does not belong to a load ordering group.
| ServiceType |
The type of service.
| StartName |
If the service type is or
, this member is the name of the account
that the service process will be logged on as when it runs. This name can be of the form
Domain\UserName. If the account belongs to the built-in domain, the name can be of the
form .\UserName. The name can also be "LocalSystem" if the process is running under the
LocalSystem account.
If the service type is or
, this member is the driver object name(that
is, \FileSystem\Rdr or \Driver\Xns) which the input and output(I/O) system uses to load the
device driver.If this member is NULL, the driver is to be run with a default object name
created by the I/O system, based on the service name.
| StartType |
When to start the service.
| TagId |
A unique tag value for this service in the group specified by the LoadOrderGroup
parameter. A value of zero indicates that the service has not been assigned a tag.
TopSee Also