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Xcalibur.NativeMethods.V2.Events Namespace

A collection of native models that correspond with their C++ counterparts for usage in .Net.
Public classEventHelper Win32 API Helper: Events.
Public classHookTypes Each type of hook enables an application to monitor a different aspect of the system's message-handling mechanism. The following sections describe the available hooks.

Hook Types

Public structureCallWindowProcessStruct Defines the message parameters passed to a WH_CALLWNDPROC hook procedure, CallWndProc.

CWPSTRUCT structure

Public structureKeyboardLowLevelHookStruct Contains information about a low-level keyboard input event.


Public structureMouseLowLevelHookStruct Contains information about a low-level mouse input event.


Public structureMsg Contains message information from a thread's message queue.

MSG structure

Public structurePoint The POINT structure defines the x- and y- coordinates of a point.

POINT structure

Public delegateEventHelperHookProc Defines the common dialog box hook procedure that is overridden to add specific functionality to a common dialog box.

CommonDialog.HookProc Method