| Name | Description |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | AdjustTokenPrivileges(IntPtr, Boolean, TokenPrivileges, Int32, IntPtr, IntPtr) |
The AdjustTokenPrivileges function enables or disables privileges in the specified access
token. Enabling or disabling privileges in an access token requires
AdjustTokenPrivileges function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | AdjustTokenPrivileges(IntPtr, Boolean, TokenPrivileges, UInt32, TokenPrivileges, UInt32) |
The AdjustTokenPrivileges function enables or disables privileges in the specified access
token. Enabling or disabling privileges in an access token requires
AdjustTokenPrivileges function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | CloseHandle |
Closes an open object handle.
CloseHandle function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | CreateProcess |
Creates a new process and its primary thread. The new process runs in the security context
of the calling process.
CreateProcess function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | CreateProcessAsUser |
Creates a new process and its primary thread. The new process runs in the security context
of the user represented by the specified token.
CreateProcessAsUser function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | CreateToolhelp32Snapshot |
Takes a snapshot of the specified processes, as well as the heaps, modules, and threads
used by these processes.
CreateToolhelp32Snapshot function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | DuplicateHandle |
Duplicates an object handle.
DuplicateHandle function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | DuplicateTokenEx |
The DuplicateTokenEx function creates a new access token that duplicates an existing token.
This function can create either a primary token or an impersonation token.
DuplicateTokenEx function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | EnumProcesses |
Retrieves the process identifier for each process object in the system.
EnumProcesses function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | GetCurrentProcess |
Retrieves a pseudo handle for the current process.
GetCurrentProcess function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | GetCurrentProcessId |
Retrieves the process identifier of the calling process.
GetProcessAffinityMask function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | GetExitCodeProcess |
Retrieves the termination status of the specified process.
GetExitCodeProcess function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | GetPriorityClass |
Retrieves the priority class for the specified process. This value, together with the
priority value of each thread of the process, determines each thread's base priority level.
GetPriorityClass function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | GetProcessAffinityMask |
Retrieves the process affinity mask for the specified process and the system affinity mask
for the system.
GetProcessAffinityMask function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | GetProcessHandleCount |
Retrieves the number of open handles that belong to the specified process.
GetProcessHandleCount function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | GetProcessIoCounters |
Retrieves accounting information for all I/O operations performed by the specified process.
GetProcessIoCounters function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | GetProcessMemoryInfo |
Retrieves information about the memory usage of the specified process.
GetProcessMemoryInfo function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | GetProcessTimes |
Retrieves timing information for the specified process.
GetProcessTimes function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | GetThreadTimes |
Retrieves timing information for the specified thread.
GetThreadTimes function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | IsImmersiveProcess |
Determines whether the process belongs to a Windows Store app.
IsImmersiveProcess function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | IsProcessInJob |
Determines whether the process is running in the specified job.
IsProcessInJob function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | Module32First |
Retrieves information about the first module associated with a process.
Module32First function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | Module32Next |
Retrieves information about the next module associated with a process or thread.
Module32Next function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | OpenProcess |
Opens an existing local process object.
OpenProcess function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | OpenProcessToken |
The OpenProcessToken function opens the access token associated with a process.
OpenProcessToken function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | OpenThread |
Opens an existing thread object.
OpenThread function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | Process32First |
Retrieves information about the first process encountered in a system snapshot.
Process32First function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | Process32Next |
Retrieves information about the next process recorded in a system snapshot.
Process32Next function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | ProcessIdToSessionId |
Retrieves the Remote Desktop Services session associated with a specified process.
ProcessIdToSessionId function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | QueryFullProcessImageName |
Retrieves the full name of the executable image for the specified process.
QueryFullProcessImageName function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | QueryProcessCycleTime |
Retrieves the sum of the cycle time of all threads of the specified process.
QueryProcessCycleTime function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | QueryThreadCycleTime |
Retrieves the cycle time for the specified thread.
QueryThreadCycleTime function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | SetPriorityClass |
Sets the priority class for the specified process. This value together with the priority value
of each thread of the process determines each thread's base priority level.
SetPriorityClass function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | SetProcessAffinityMask |
Sets a processor affinity mask for the threads of the specified process.
SetProcessAffinityMask function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | SetProcessWorkingSetSize |
Sets the minimum and maximum working set sizes for the specified process.
SetProcessWorkingSetSize function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | TerminateProcess |
Terminates the specified process and all of its threads.
TerminateProcess function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | Thread32First |
Retrieves information about the first thread of any process encountered in a system snapshot.
Thread32First function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | Thread32Next |
Retrieves information about the next thread of any process encountered in the system memory
Thread32Next function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | WaitForSingleObject |
Waits until the specified object is in the signaled state or the time-out interval elapses.
WaitForSingleObject function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | WaitForSingleObjectEx |
Waits until the specified object is in the signaled state, an I/O completion routine or
asynchronous procedure call (APC) is queued to the thread, or the time-out interval elapses.
WaitForSingleObjectEx function |
![Public method Public method](../icons/pubMethod.gif) ![Static member Static member](../icons/Static.gif) | WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId |
Retrieves the session identifier of the console session. The console session is the session
that is currently attached to the physical console. Note that it is not necessary that
Remote Desktop Services be running for this function to succeed.
WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId function |