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Xcalibur.NativeMethods.V2.TerminalServices Namespace

A collection of native models that correspond with their C++ counterparts for usage in .Net.
Public classTerminalServicesHelper Win32 API Helper: Terminal Services
Public structureWtsInfo Contains information about a Remote Desktop Services session.

WTSINFO structure

Public structureWtsSessionInfo Contains extended information about a client session on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server or Remote Desktop Virtualization Host (RD Virtualization Host) server.

WTS_SESSION_INFO_1 structure

Public enumerationMessageBoxType The contents and behavior of the dialog box.

MessageBox function

Public enumerationMessageResponseType Return value of the MessageBox.

MessageBox function

Public enumerationWtsConnectionStateType Specifies the connection state of a Remote Desktop Services session.


Public enumerationWtsInfoType Contains values that indicate the type of session information to retrieve in a call to the function.

WTS_INFO_CLASS enumeration

Public enumerationWtsShutdownFlags Indicates the type of shutdown.

WTSShutdownSystem function