Wts |
Member name | Value | Description |
InitialProgram | 0 | A null-terminated string that contains the name of the initial program that Remote Desktop Services runs when the user logs on. |
ApplicationName | 1 | A null-terminated string that contains the published name of the application that the session is running. |
WorkingDirectory | 2 | A null-terminated string that contains the default directory used when launching the initial program. |
OemId | 3 | This value is not used. |
SessionId | 4 | A ULONG value that contains the session identifier. |
UserName | 5 | A null-terminated string that contains the name of the user associated with the session. |
WinStationName | 6 | A null-terminated string that contains the name of the Remote Desktop Services session. |
DomainName | 7 | A null-terminated string that contains the name of the domain to which the logged-on user belongs. |
ConnectState | 8 | The session's current connection state. For more information, see . |
ClientBuildNumber | 9 | A ULONG value that contains the build number of the client. |
ClientName | 10 | A null-terminated string that contains the name of the client. |
ClientDirectory | 11 | A null-terminated string that contains the directory in which the client is installed. |
ClientProductId | 12 | A USHORT client-specific product identifier. |
ClientHardwareId | 13 | A ULONG value that contains a client-specific hardware identifier. This option is reserved for future use. will always return a value of 0. |
ClientAddress | 14 | The network type and network address of the client. |
ClientDisplay | 15 | Information about the display resolution of the client. |
ClientProtocolType | 16 | A USHORT value that specifies information about the protocol type for the session. |
IdleTime | 17 | This value returns FALSE. |
LogonTime | 18 | This value returns FALSE. |
IncomingBytes | 19 | This value returns FALSE. |
OutgoingBytes | 20 | This value returns FALSE. |
IncomingFrames | 21 | This value returns FALSE. |
OutgoingFrames | 22 | This value returns FALSE. |
ClientInfo | 23 | Information about a Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) client. |
SessionInfo | 24 | Information about a client session on a RD Session Host server. |
SessionInfoEx | 25 | Extended information about a session on a RD Session Host server. |
ConfigInfo | 26 | A WTSCONFIGINFO structure that contains information about the configuration of a RD Session Host server. |
ValidationInfo | 27 | This value is not supported. |
SessionAddressV4 | 28 | A WTS_SESSION_ADDRESS structure that contains the IPv4 address assigned to the session. |
IsRemoteSession | 29 | Determines whether the current session is a remote session. The function returns a value of TRUE to indicate that the current session is a remote session, and FALSE to indicate that the current session is a local session. |