Service |
Member name | Value | Description |
Description | 1 | The lpInfo parameter is a pointer to a structure. |
FailureActions | 2 | The Info parameter is a pointer to a structure. |
DelayedAutoStartInfo | 3 | The Info parameter is a pointer to a structure. |
FailureAcDtionsFlag | 4 | The Info parameter is a pointer to a structure. |
ServiceSidInfo | 5 | The Info parameter is a pointer to a structure. |
RequiredPrivilegesInfo | 6 | The Info parameter is a pointer to a structure. |
PreshutdownInfo | 7 | The Info parameter is a pointer to a structure. |
TriggerInfo | 8 | The lpInfo parameter is a pointer to a SERVICE_TRIGGER_INFO structure. This value is not supported by the ANSI version of ChangeServiceConfig2. |
PreferredNode | 9 | The Info parameter is a pointer to a SERVICE_PREFERRED_NODE_INFO structure. |
LaunchProtected | 12 | The lpInfo parameter is a pointer a SERVICE_LAUNCH_PROTECTED_INFO structure. |