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ServiceAccess Enumeration

The Windows security model enables you to control access to the service control manager (SCM) and service objects.

Service Security and Access Rights

Namespace: Xcalibur.NativeMethods.V2.Services
Assembly: Xcalibur.NativeMethods.V2 (in Xcalibur.NativeMethods.V2.dll) Version:
public enum ServiceAccess
Member nameValueDescription
QueryConfig1 Required to call the QueryServiceConfig and QueryServiceConfig2 functions to query the service configuration.
ChangeConfig2 Required to call the ChangeServiceConfig or function to change the service configuration. Because this grants the caller the right to change the executable file that the system runs, it should be granted only to administrators.
QueryStatus4 Required to call the QueryServiceStatus or QueryServiceStatusEx function to ask the service control manager about the status of the service. Required to call the NotifyServiceStatusChange function to receive notification when a service changes status.
EnumerateDependents8 Required to call the EnumDependentServices function to enumerate all the services dependent on the service.
Start16 Required to call the StartService function to start the service.
Stop32 Required to call the ControlService function to stop the service.
PauseContinue64 Required to call the ControlService function to pause or continue the service.
Interrogate128 Required to call the ControlService function to ask the service to report its status immediately.
UserDefinedControl256 Required to call the ControlService function to specify a user-defined control code.
AllAccess983,551 Includes in addition to all access rights in this table.
See Also