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ServiceControllerManager Enumeration

The Windows security model enables you to control access to the service control manager (SCM) and service objects.

Service Security and Access Rights

Namespace: Xcalibur.NativeMethods.V2.Services
Assembly: Xcalibur.NativeMethods.V2 (in Xcalibur.NativeMethods.V2.dll) Version:
public enum ServiceControllerManager
Member nameValueDescription
Connect1 Required to connect to the service control manager.
CreateService2 Required to call the function to create a service object and add it to the database.
EnumerateService4 Required to call the seealso cref="ServiceHelper.EnumServicesStatusEx"/> function to list the services that are in the database.
Lock8 Required to call the LockServiceDatabase function to acquire a lock on the database.
QueryLockStatus16 Required to call the QueryServiceLockStatus function to retrieve the lock status information for the database.
ModifyBootConfig32 Required to call the NotifyBootConfigStatus function.
GenericExecute131,081 Generic Execute permissions.
GenericRead131,092 Generic Read permissions.
GenericWrite131,106 Generic Write permissions.
AllAccess983,103 Includes , in addition to all access rights in this table.
GenericAll983,103 All Generic permissions.
See Also