ProcessCreation Enumeration |
The following process creation flags are used by the CreateProcess, CreateProcessAsUser,
CreateProcessWithLogonW, and CreateProcessWithTokenW functions. They can be specified in any
combination, except as noted.
Process Creation Flags Namespace: Xcalibur.NativeMethods.V2.ProcessesAssembly: Xcalibur.NativeMethods.V2 (in Xcalibur.NativeMethods.V2.dll) Version:
Syntax [FlagsAttribute]
public enum ProcessCreation
Public Enumeration ProcessCreation
public enum class ProcessCreation
type ProcessCreation
Members Member name | Value | Description |
DebugProcess | 1 |
The calling thread starts and debugs the new process and all child processes created by the
new process. It can receive all related debug events using the WaitForDebugEvent function.
A process that uses becomes the root of a debugging chain.
This continues until another process in the chain is created with
If this flag is combined with , the caller debugs
only the new process, not any child processes.
DebugOnlyThisProcess | 2 |
The calling thread starts and debugs the new process. It can receive all related debug
events using the WaitForDebugEvent function.
CreateSuspended | 4 |
The primary thread of the new process is created in a suspended state, and does not run
until the ResumeThread function is called.
DetachedProcess | 8 |
For console processes, the new process does not inherit its parent's console (the default).
The new process can call the AllocConsole function at a later time to create a console.
For more information, see Creation of a Console.
This value cannot be used with .
CreateNewConsole | 16 |
The new process has a new console, instead of inheriting its parent's console (the default).
For more information, see Creation of a Console. This flag cannot be used with
CreateNewProcessGroup | 512 |
The new process is the root process of a new process group. The process group includes all
processes that are descendants of this root process. The process identifier of the new
process group is the same as the process identifier, which is returned in the
ProcessInformation parameter. Process groups are used by the GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent
function to enable sending a CTRL+BREAK signal to a group of console processes. If this
flag is specified, CTRL+C signals will be disabled for all processes within the new process
CreateUnicodeEnvironment | 1,024 |
If this flag is set, the environment block pointed to by lpEnvironment uses Unicode
characters. Otherwise, the environment block uses ANSI characters.
CreateSeparateWowVdm | 2,048 |
This flag is valid only when starting a 16-bit Windows-based application. If set, the new
process runs in a private Virtual DOS Machine (VDM). By default, all 16-bit Windows-based
applications run as threads in a single, shared VDM. The advantage of running separately
is that a crash only terminates the single VDM; any other programs running in distinct VDMs
continue to function normally. Also, 16-bit Windows-based applications that are run in
separate VDMs have separate input queues. That means that if one application stops
responding momentarily, applications in separate VDMs continue to receive input. The
disadvantage of running separately is that it takes significantly more memory to do so. You
should use this flag only if the user requests that 16-bit applications should run in their
own VDM.
CreateSharedWowVdm | 4,096 |
The flag is valid only when starting a 16-bit Windows-based application. If the
DefaultSeparateVDM switch in the Windows section of WIN.INI is TRUE, this flag overrides
the switch. The new process is run in the shared Virtual DOS Machine.
InheritParentAffinity | 65,536 |
The process inherits its parent's affinity. If the parent process has threads in more than
one processor group, the new process inherits the group-relative affinity of an arbitrary
group in use by the parent.
CreateProtectedProcess | 262,144 |
The process is to be run as a protected process. The system restricts access to protected
processes and the threads of protected processes.
ExtendedStartupinfoPresent | 524,288 |
The process is created with extended startup information; the lpStartupInfo parameter
specifies a STARTUPINFOEX structure.
CreateSecureProcess | 4,194,304 |
This flag allows secure processes, that run in the Virtualization-Based Security
environment, to launch.
BreakawayFromJob | 16,777,216 |
The child processes of a process associated with a job are not associated with the job.
CreatePreserveCodeAuthzLevel | 33,554,432 |
Allows the caller to execute a child process that bypasses the process restrictions that
would normally be applied automatically to the process.
DefaultErrorMode | 67,108,864 |
The new process does not inherit the error mode of the calling process. Instead, the new
process gets the default error mode.
CreateNoWindow | 134,217,728 |
The process is a console application that is being run without a console window. Therefore,
the console handle for the application is not set. This flag is ignored if the application
is not a console application, or if it is used with either
or .
See Also