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ThreadAccess Enumeration

Microsoft Windows enables you to control access to thread objects. For more information about security, see Access-Control Model.

Thread Security and Access Rights

Namespace: Xcalibur.NativeMethods.V2.Processes
Assembly: Xcalibur.NativeMethods.V2 (in Xcalibur.NativeMethods.V2.dll) Version:
public enum ThreadAccess
Member nameValueDescription
Terminate1 Required to terminate a thread using TerminateThread.
SuspendResume2 Required to suspend or resume a thread (see SuspendThread and ResumeThread).
GetContext8 Required to read the context of a thread using GetThreadContext.
SetContext16 Required to write the context of a thread using SetThreadContext.
SetInformation32 Required to set certain information in the thread object.
QueryInformation64 Required to read certain information from the thread object, such as the exit code (see GetExitCodeThread).
SetThreadToken128 Required to set the impersonation token for a thread using SetThreadToken.
Impersonate256 Required to use a thread's security information directly without calling it by using a communication mechanism that provides impersonation services.
DirectImpersonation512 Required for a server thread that impersonates a client.
SetLimitedInformation1,024 Required to set certain information in the thread object. A handle that has the access right is automatically granted .
QueryLimitedInformation2,048 Required to read certain information from the thread objects (see GetProcessIdOfThread). A handle that has the access right is automatically granted .
Synchronize1,048,576 Enables the use of the thread handle in any of the wait functions.
All1,052,667 All possible access rights for a thread object.
See Also